update translations

This commit is contained in:
Merith-TK 2023-03-14 11:06:23 -07:00
parent bf48efac5b
commit 0481bdbe12

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@ -9,10 +9,186 @@
"block.minecraft.spawn.not_valid": "Whoops! Make sure to take a nap the next time you get the chance, cutie~",
"block.minecraft.set_spawn": "Welcome Home, Cutie",
// Change Title Screen text to be more floret friendly
"title.singleplayer": "Quiet Space",
"menu.singleplayer": "Quiet Space",
"title.multiplayer": "Play with Friends",
"menu.multiplayer": "Play with Friends",
"title.online": "Overnet Realms",
"menu.online": "Overnet Realms",
// Make words floret safe
// censor the word dirt
"block.minecraft.dirt": "D**t",
"block.minecraft.coarse_dirt": "Coarse D**t",
"block.minecraft.dirt_path": "D**t Path",
"block.minecraft.rooted_dirt": "Rooted D**t"
"block.minecraft.rooted_dirt": "Rooted D**t",
// Make death messages floret friendly
// Death Screen
"deathScreen.respawn": "Naptime!",
"deathScreen.title": "Oh no! You're too tired and need a nap!",
"deathScreen.quit.confirm": "Bye bye friend! Come again soon!",
// Death Messages
"death.attack.lightningBolt": "%1$s got scared by the thunder and wants to go home!",
"death.attack.lightningBolt.player": "%1$s and %2$s were out in the storm! %1$s got scared and went home! ",
"death.attack.freeze": "%1$s got cold and needed a hug!",
"death.fell.accident.vines": "%1$s 's affini decided it was time for a nap!",
"death.fell.accident.weeping_vines": "%1$s 's affini decided it was naptime!",
"death.fell.accident.twisting_vines": "%1$s fell off some vines! And was safely caught by their loving plant.",
"death.fell.accident.scaffolding": "%1$s nearly feel off some scaffolding! They need a nap!",
"death.fell.accident.other_climbable": "%1$s felt too tired to keep climbing and needed a nap",
"death.fell.accident.generic": "%1$s 's Affini has decided it's time for a nap!",
"death.attack.magic": "%1$s was given Class-Zs",
"death.attack.magic.player": "%1$s was given Class-Zs whilst trying to play with %2$s",
"death.attack.even_more_magic": "%1$s was given alot of Class-Zs",
"commands.kill.success.single": "Gave Class-Zs to %s",
"commands.kill.success.multiple": "Gave Class-Zs to %s entities",
// Misc Replacements to sort
"gui.socialInteractions.empty_hidden": "No Cuties hidden in chat",
"gui.socialInteractions.empty_blocked": "No blocked Cuties in chat",
"spectatorMenu.teleport": "Teleport to Cutie",
"spectatorMenu.teleport.prompt": "Select a Cutie to teleport to",
"lanServer.otherPlayers": "Settings for Other Cuties",
"multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_data": "Invalid Cutie data",
"multiplayer.disconnect.invalid_player_movement": "Invalid move Cutie packet received",
"soundCategory.player": "Cuties",
"options.allowServerListing.tooltip": "Servers may list online Cuties as part of their public status.\nWith this option off your name will not show up in such lists.",
"options.hideMatchedNames.tooltip": "3rd-party Servers may send chat messages in non-standard formats.\nWith this option on: hidden Cuties will be matched based on chat sender names.",
"key.playerlist": "List Cuties",
"key.spectatorOutlines": "Highlight Cuties (Spectators)",
"block.minecraft.player_wall_head": "Cutie Wall Head",
"block.minecraft.player_head": "Cutie Head",
"entity.minecraft.player": "Cutie",
"stat.minecraft.player_kills": "Cutie Naps",
"advMode.nearestPlayer": "Use \"@p\" to target nearest Cutie",
"advMode.randomPlayer": "Use \"@r\" to target random Cutie",
"advMode.allPlayers": "Use \"@a\" to target all Cuties",
"advMode.notAllowed": "Must be an opped Cutie in creative mode",
"subtitles.entity.arrow.hit_player": "Cutie hit",
"subtitles.entity.player.death": "Cutie starts napping",
"subtitles.entity.player.hurt": "Cutie hurts",
"subtitles.entity.player.hurt_drown": "Cutie drowning",
"subtitles.entity.player.hurt_on_fire": "Cutie burns",
"subtitles.entity.player.levelup": "Cutie dings",
"subtitles.entity.player.freeze_hurt": "Cutie freezes",
"subtitles.item.chorus_fruit.teleport": "Cutie teleports",
"argument.entity.selector.nearestPlayer": "Nearest Cutie",
"argument.entity.selector.randomPlayer": "Random Cutie",
"argument.entity.selector.allPlayers": "All Cuties",
"argument.entity.options.gamemode.description": "Cuties with gamemode",
"argument.entity.options.advancements.description": "Cuties with advancements",
"commands.advancement.grant.one.to.many.success": "Granted the advancement %s to %s Cuties",
"commands.advancement.grant.one.to.many.failure": "Couldn't grant advancement %s to %s Cuties as they already have it",
"commands.advancement.grant.many.to.many.success": "Granted %s advancements to %s Cuties",
"commands.advancement.grant.many.to.many.failure": "Couldn't grant %s advancements to %s Cuties as they already have them",
"commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.many.success": "Granted criterion '%s' of advancement %s to %s Cuties",
"commands.advancement.grant.criterion.to.many.failure": "Couldn't grant criterion '%s' of advancement %s to %s Cuties as they already have it",
"commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.many.success": "Revoked the advancement %s from %s Cuties",
"commands.advancement.revoke.one.to.many.failure": "Couldn't revoke advancement %s from %s Cuties as they don't have it",
"commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.many.success": "Revoked %s advancements from %s Cuties",
"commands.advancement.revoke.many.to.many.failure": "Couldn't revoke %s advancements from %s Cuties as they don't have them",
"commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.many.success": "Revoked criterion '%s' of advancement %s from %s Cuties",
"commands.advancement.revoke.criterion.to.many.failure": "Couldn't revoke criterion '%s' of advancement %s from %s Cuties as they don't have it",
"commands.clear.success.single": "Removed %s items from Cutie %s",
"commands.clear.success.multiple": "Removed %s items from %s Cuties",
"commands.clear.test.single": "Found %s matching items on Cutie %s",
"commands.clear.test.multiple": "Found %s matching items on %s Cuties",
"commands.experience.add.points.success.multiple": "Gave %s experience points to %s Cuties",
"commands.experience.add.levels.success.multiple": "Gave %s experience levels to %s Cuties",
"commands.experience.set.points.success.multiple": "Set %s experience points on %s Cuties",
"commands.experience.set.levels.success.multiple": "Set %s experience levels on %s Cuties",
"commands.give.success.multiple": "Gave %s %s to %s Cuties",
"commands.playsound.success.multiple": "Played sound %s to %s Cuties",
"commands.list.players": "There are %s of a max of %s Cuties online: %s",
"commands.setidletimeout.success": "The Cutie idle timeout is now %s minutes",
"commands.bossbar.set.players.success.none": "Custom bossbar %s no longer has any Cuties",
"commands.bossbar.set.players.success.some": "Custom bossbar %s now has %s Cuties: %s",
"commands.bossbar.get.players.none": "Custom bossbar %s has no Cuties currently online",
"commands.bossbar.get.players.some": "Custom bossbar %s has %s Cuties currently online: %s",
"commands.recipe.give.success.multiple": "Unlocked %s recipes for %s Cuties",
"commands.recipe.take.success.multiple": "Took %s recipes from %s Cuties",
"commands.whitelist.none": "There are no whitelisted Cuties",
"commands.whitelist.list": "There are %s whitelisted Cuties: %s",
"commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple": "Set spawn point to %s, %s, %s [%s] in %s for %s Cuties",
"commands.spreadplayers.success.entities": "Spread %s Cuties around %s, %s with an average distance of %s blocks apart",
"commands.banip.info": "This ban affects %s Cuties: %s",
"commands.title.cleared.multiple": "Cleared titles for %s Cuties",
"commands.title.reset.multiple": "Reset title options for %s Cuties",
"commands.title.show.title.multiple": "Showing new title for %s Cuties",
"commands.title.show.subtitle.multiple": "Showing new subtitle for %s Cuties",
"commands.title.show.actionbar.multiple": "Showing new actionbar title for %s Cuties",
"commands.title.times.multiple": "Changed title display times for %s Cuties",
"permissions.requires.player": "A Cutie is required to run this command here",
"argument.player.toomany": "Only one Cutie is allowed, but the provided selector allows more than one",
"argument.player.entities": "Only Cuties may be affected by this command, but the provided selector includes entities",
"argument.entity.notfound.player": "No Cutie was found",
"argument.player.unknown": "That Cutie does not exist",
"commands.banip.invalid": "Invalid IP address or unknown Cutie",
"commands.ban.failed": "Nothing changed. The Cutie is already banned",
"commands.bossbar.set.players.unchanged": "Nothing changed. Those Cuties are already on the bossbar with nobody to add or remove",
"commands.deop.failed": "Nothing changed. The Cutie is not an operator",
"commands.experience.set.points.invalid": "Cannot set experience points above the maximum points for the Cutie's current level",
"commands.op.failed": "Nothing changed. The Cutie already is an operator",
"commands.pardon.failed": "Nothing changed. The Cutie isn't banned",
"commands.whitelist.add.failed": "Cutie is already whitelisted",
"commands.whitelist.remove.failed": "Cutie is not whitelisted",
"commands.data.entity.invalid": "Unable to modify Cutie data",
"clear.failed.single": "No items were found on Cutie %s",
"clear.failed.multiple": "No items were found on %s Cuties",
"gamerule.doLimitedCrafting.description": "If enabled, Cuties will be able to craft only unlocked recipes",
"gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers": "Forgive napping Cuties",
"gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers.description": "Angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted Cutie starts napping nearby.",
"gamerule.playersSleepingPercentage.description": "The percentage of Cuties who must be sleeping to skip the night.",
"gamerule.universalAnger.description": "Angered neutral Feralists attack any nearby Cutie, not just the Cutie that angered them. Works best if forgiveDeadPlayers is disabled.",
"gamerule.category.player": "Cutie",
"sleep.players_sleeping": "%s/%s Cuties sleeping"