{ // Whether a custom window title should be set. Uses the value set in 'customWindowTitle'. "setCustomWindowTitle": true, // The custom window title that's used when 'setCustomWindowTitle' is enabled. "customWindowTitle": "Unbaked Anarchy", // If a custom window icon should be set. Two files are needed. Both in PNG format. One a 16 pixel square called 'icon_16x16.png', and one a 32 pixel square called 'icon_32x32.png'. Located in './config/simplemenu/icon'. "setCustomWindowIcon": true, // If a custom main menu logo should be rendered. This will replace the 'Minecraft' text. A 'logo.png' file is needed. Located in './config/simplemenu/logo'. By default the image dimensions are 1024x256. To remove it completely, use an empty .png file. "replaceMainMenuLogo": false, // If a custom main menu 'edition' logo should be rendered. This will replace the 'Java Edition' text. An 'edition.png' file is needed. Located in './config/simplemenu/logo'. By default the image dimensions are 512x64. To remove it completely, use an empty .png file. "replaceMainMenuEditionLogo": false, // If a custom background should be rendered. A 'background.png' file is needed. Located in './config/simplemenu/background/'. "setCustomBackground": true, // If the Minecraft Realms button should be hidden from the main menu. Enabled by default, since modded Minecraft is incompatible with it. "hideMinecraftRealmsButton": false, // Whether the Minecraft Realms button should be replaced by a serverhosting promo button. "enableServerPromoButton": false, // The default server promo button text. "serverPromoButtonTextDefault": "Need a Server?", // The server promo button text shown when hovering it. "serverPromoButtonTextOnHover": "Use code PROMO for 25% off", // The URL that's being navigated to when clicking the server promo button. "serverPromoButtonClickURL": "https://localhost/exampleurl", // Whether the splash text should be hidden on the main menu. "hideSplashText": false, // Whether experimental/beta mod loader text should be removed from the main menu. "removeExperimentalModLoaderText": false, // Whether the text in the bottom left should be removed from the main menu. "removeTextBottomLeft": false }