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# **The Brewery**
Welcome to the custom D&D rules repository! This README serves as an index to help you navigate the rules and guidelines. Below, you'll find a categorized list of the rules and mechanics.
## **Index**
### **1. Ability Score Generation**
Custom rules for generating character stats
- [Balanced Rolls](Rules/Stats/
- [Empowered Array](Rules/Stats/
### **2. Custom Races**
Detailed rules for homebrew races, including lore, traits, and mechanics.
- [Blood Forged](Race/
- [Skeleton](Race/
### **3. Feats**
Descriptions of unique feats, their benefits, and prerequisites for use.
- [Arcane Augmentation](Feats/
### **4. Equipment**
Custom items, including unique effects, attunement rules, and curses.
- [Cantrip Blaster](Equipment/
- [Cursed Gloves](Equipment/
- [Gloves of Magnetism](Equipment/
- [Spell Revolver](Equipment/
### **5. Features**
Not to be confused with [Feats](#3-feats), these are custom rules that can be applied to multiple things.
- [Precise Calibration](Features/

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# [Class Name]
## Class Features
### **Hit Points**
- **Hit Dice**: 1d8 per Level
- **Hit Points**: 8 + [STAT] Modifier
- **Hit Points Per Level**: 1d8

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# **Colossus' Aegis**
> **Wondrous Item (shield), legendary (requires attunement)**
- **Description**:
This ancient and imposing shield, forged in the heart of a star, bears the name "Colossus' Aegis," a title that reflects its immense power and its role as an unyielding protector. Initially dormant, the shields true strength awakens only when a worthy wielder claims it.
- **Proficiency**: Yes
The wielder must be proficient with shields to fully use the Colossus' Aegis.
- **Properties**:
- **+2 to AC, +1 to Int/Con**
- **Dormant Form**:
- **Energy Absorption**: As a Reaction when the wielder is hit by an attack that deals force, lightning, or radiant damage, the shield absorbs part of the energy, granting the wielder the option to gain either **temporary hit points** or **shield energy** equal to half the damage taken (rounded down).
- **Force Repulsion**: As a reaction, when the wielder is hit by an attack that deals force, lightning, or radiant damage, the wielder can release the stored energy, dealing force damage equal to half the amount of damage absorbed. The target must make a Strength saving throw (DC 15) or take the full damage, or half damage on a successful save.
- **Awakened Form**:
- **Energy Absorption Improved**: The shield now absorbs up to 40 points of force, lightning, or radiant damage per long rest. The temporary hit points granted by energy absorption are now equal to the full amount of damage absorbed.
- **Force Repulsion Enhanced**: When the wielder uses the Force Repulsion ability, the damage increases to the total amount of energy absorbed rather than just half. The target must now make a Strength saving throw (DC 17) to avoid the damage, or take full damage on a failed save.
- **Cover Creation**: As a bonus action, the wielder can expend any amount of energy up to 40 points to create a barrier of force energy, extending up to 15 feet out, and 10 feet up. The Barrier has an AC of Zero, and an HP equal to the points used to create it. This energy creates a barrier that grants total cover to any creature behind it for 1 minute. The barrier dissipates early if it takes damage equal to the energy spent to create it. Any creature that comes in contact with the barrier must make a Strength saving throw (DC 17) or be pushed back 5 feet. Creatures cannot move through the barrier.
Additionally, the wielder can adjust the size of the barrier, reducing its dimensions down to a minimum of 5 feet in either direction. To determine the adjusted size, the wielder makes a Perception check (DC 15). On a success, the barrier can be resized to the desired dimensions within the allowed range, without compromising its integrity.
- **Shared Protection**: As a reaction, when an ally within 30 feet of the wielder takes damage, the wielder can choose to absorb half of that damage. The shield grants the wielder temporary hit points equal of the damage absorbed, reducing the damage dealt to the ally by the same amount. This ability can be used three times per long rest.
- **Exalted Form**:
- **Energy Absorption Mastery**: The shield can absorb up to 100 points of force, lightning, or radiant damage per long rest. It can also absorb other types of energy, such as necrotic or acid, if the wielder chooses, though this damage is absorbed at half its value.
- **Cover Creation Enhanced**: As a bonus action, the wielder can create a 10-foot line of force energy (spending up to 30 points of absorbed energy). This line now creates a wall of force 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide that grants full cover. The wall lasts for 1 minute, or until it takes damage equal to the energy expended to create it. Once per day, the wielder can create an impenetrable dome of force (20-foot radius) for 10 minutes by expending 50 points of absorbed energy. Creatures within the dome must make a Strength saving throw (DC 19) or be knocked prone if they attempt to move through it.
- **Shared Protection Mastery**: The wielder can now use the **Shared Protection** ability an additional time per long rest. Furthermore, when absorbing damage for an ally, the wielder can now absorb up to the full amount of damage that the ally would take, reducing the damage dealt to the ally by the same amount. This enhanced ability can be used once per short rest.
- **Aegis Cannon**: When the wielder has at least absorbed 50 points of damage, it can be released in a 20-foot cone. Targets within the cone must make a Strength saving throw (SpellDC + 3) or take full damage, with those who succeed taking half damage, those who fail take full damage and are forcefully disarmed.
- Replaces Force Repulsion
- **Attunement**: Yes
This item requires attunement to unlock its full powers.
- **Notes**:
- While in its dormant form, the shield only provides limited energy absorption and force repulsion abilities.
- The shields energy absorption and force repulsion powers scale with attunement to its awakened and exalted forms.
- The Shield Barrier cannot harm the weilder, if it is in a position in which it can, it immediately dissapates
- Energy Points Stack and can only be used by the shield's ability.
- Energy Points Reset when the weilder takes a long rest.
- The **Aegis Cannon** requires the wielder to have absorbed at least 50 points of damage before it can be used.
- **Source**: *Homebrew*

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# Obsidian
## Basic Information
- **Name**: Obsidian
- **Level**: [Artificer]( 7
- **Race**: [Nightwing](../../TheVault/Race/WingsOfFire/
- **Alignment**: Neutral
- **Background**: Undefined
## Appearance
Describe the characters appearance. Include details on specific armor,
physical traits, or distinguishing features. This section should paint
a vivid picture of the character's look and feel.
[Brief description of characters appearance]
Optional: Add an image by replacing 'image.jpg' with your file path.
![Character Image](image.jpg)
## Personality Traits
- **Trait 1**: [Description of personality trait]
- **Trait 2**: [Description of personality trait]
## Brewed Traits
- **[Trait Name](URL to trait)**: [Trait description, if applicable]
## Racial Traits
**Ability Score Increase:**
- Your Strength score decreases by 3.
- Your Constitution score decreases by 3.
- Your Intelligence score increases by 4.
- Your Wisdom score increases by 3.
- Your Charisma score increases by 3.
- **Size**: Large
- Walking speed: 30 feet.
- Flying speed: 60 feet.
- **Racial Abilities**:
- **Claws:**
Your claws deal 2d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage. You are proficient with your claws.
- **Diseased Bite:**
Your bite deals 2d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. You are proficient with your bite. Once per turn, your bite can infect a creature with sewer plague. NightWings are immune to this disease.
- **Darkvision and Blindsight:**
You have darkvision out to 30 feet and blindsight out to 15 feet.
- **Fire Resistance:**
You have resistance to fire damage.
- **Breath Weapon (Recharge 6):**
You can exhale fire in a 40-by-10-foot line. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence or Constitution modifier). On a failed save, they take 2d4 fire damage, or half as much on a success. This damage increases at levels 5 (4d4), 11 (6d4), and 20 (8d4).
- **Scholarly Research:**
You are proficient in Arcana and History, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for both.
- **Languages:**
You can speak, read, and write Draconic and Scholar.
- Scholar uses complex technical jargon, making it incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with academic terminology. Conveying complex ideas takes half the time, but casual conversation takes four times as long.
## Ability Scores
| Ability | Base | Total | Bonus |
| **Strength** | 15 | **12** | `-3 (racial)` |
| **Dexterity** | 15 | **15** | `+0 (racial)` |
| **Constitution** | 20 | **17** | `-3 (racial)` |
| **Intelligence** | 20 | **24** | `+4 (racial)` |
| **Wisdom** | 10 | **13** | `+3 (racial)` |
| **Charisma** | 10 | **13** | `+3 (racial)` |
Fill out each row with the characters base stats, total (after racial
and class bonuses), and any bonuses from items or features.
### Hit Points
- **Hit Points by Level**:
- Level 1: 8
- Level 2: 13
- Level 3: 18
- Level 4: 23
- Level 5: 28
- Level 6: 33
- Level 7: 38
- **Total Hit Points**: 38
- **Hit Dice**: 7d8
## Features
### Class-Specific Features
#### 1st-level
- [**Magical Tinkering**]( Allows you to imbue small objects with magical properties.
#### 3rd-level Alchemist
- [**Alchemist Spells**]( You always have certain spells prepared:
| Level | Spell |
| 3rd | [Healing Word](, [Ray of Sickness]( |
| 5th | [Flaming Sphere](, [Melfs Acid Arrow]( |
| 9th | [Gaseous Form](, [Mass Healing Word]( |
| 13th | [Blight](, [Death Ward]( |
| 17th | [Cloudkill](, [Raise Dead]( |
- [**Experimental Elixir**](
At the end of a long rest, you can create a magical elixir in an empty flask you touch. Roll on the table below to determine its effect. The elixir is consumed as an action and lasts until drunk or until your next long rest.
You can also create additional elixirs by expending a 1st-level or higher spell slot, choosing the effect instead of rolling. At 6th level, you create two elixirs per long rest, and at 15th level, you create three. Each elixir requires a separate flask.
| d6 | Effect | |
| 1 | **Healing** | Restores 2d4 + your Intelligence modifier HP. |
| 2 | **Swiftness** | Increases walking speed by 10 ft. for 1 hour. |
| 3 | **Resilience** | Grants +1 AC for 10 minutes. |
| 4 | **Boldness** | Adds 1d4 to all attack rolls and saving throws for 1 minute. |
| 5 | **Flight** | Grants a additional 10 ft. flying speed for 10 minutes. |
| 6 | **Transformation** | Functions as *Alter Self* for 10 minutes. |
### 5th-level Alchemist
- [**Alchemical Savant**](
Your mastery of magical chemicals enhances your spells. When casting a spell using alchemists supplies as your focus, you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum +1) to one healing roll or one damage roll if it deals acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage.
### 6th-level
- [**Tool Expertise**](
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool.
### 7th-level
- [**Flash of Genius**](
When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest
List key class-specific features here. Be concise but cover the main
mechanics and effects.
## Proficiencies & Skills
- **Proficiencies**:
- **Skills**: Investigation, Sleight of Hand
- **Armor**: Light armor, medium armor, shields
- **Weapons**: Simple weapons
- **Tools**: Thieves' tools, Tinkers tools, Alchemist Supplies
- **Saving Throws**: Constitution, Intelligence
Describe the characters fighting style and proficiencies in skills,
tools, armor, and weapons. Only list skills they're proficient in.
## Level Progression
### Level 1
- **Proficiencies**: Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Alchemist Supplies
### Level 2
- **Infusions**:
- Returning Weapon
- To Be Decided
- To Be Decided
- To Be Decided
### Level 3
- **Artificer Specialist**:
- [Alchemist](
- **Tool Proficiency**
- Brewer's Supplies
### Level 4
- **Ability Score Improvement:**
- **Chosen Increase:** Dexterity +1, Constitution +1
### Level 6
- **Infusions**:
- To Be Decided
- To Be Decided

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# **Class Name: Overseer**
> [***Vaults of Resonance Content***](../
The **Overseer** is a tactical commander specializing in leading semi-autonomous constructs called **Control Units** in battle. They use their expertise to manage and enhance their units, creating a flexible and adaptive force on the battlefield.
## **Class Features**
### **Hit Points**
- **Hit Dice:** 1d8 per Overseer level
- **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 8 + your Constitution modifier
- **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Overseer level after 1st
### **Proficiencies**
- **Armor:** Light armor, medium armor
- **Weapons:** Simple weapons, martial weapons
- **Tools:** Tinkers tools
- **Saving Throws:** Intelligence, Constitution
- **Skills:** Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, or Survival
### **Starting Equipment**
- (a) A martial weapon and a shield or (b) two simple weapons
- (a) Scale mail or (b) leather armor
- (a) A scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
- Tinkers tools
### **Class Table: The Overseer**
| Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Units Controlled | Command Points |
| 1 | +2 | Tactical Network, Constructed Ally | 1 (Constructed Ally) | 2 |
| 2 | +2 | Command Maneuvers, Unit Upgrades | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | +2 | Overseer Archetype | 2 | 4 |
| 4 | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 2 | 5 |
| 5 | +3 | Efficient Directives | 2 | 6 |
| 6 | +3 | Improved Upgrades | 2 | 7 |
| 7 | +3 | Tactical Dominance | 3 | 8 |
| 8 | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 9 |
| 9 | +4 | Enhanced Network | 3 | 10 |
| 10 | +4 | Archetype Feature | 3 | 11 |
| 11 | +4 | Overclock | 4 | 12 |
| 12 | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 13 |
| 13 | +5 | Multi-Unit Maneuvers | 4 | 14 |
| 14 | +5 | Archetype Feature | 4 | 15 |
| 15 | +5 | Master Strategist | 5 | 16 |
| 16 | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 17 |
| 17 | +6 | Supreme Upgrades | 5 | 18 |
| 18 | +6 | Archetype Feature | 5 | 19 |
| 19 | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 20 |
| 20 | +6 | Command Perfection | 6 | 21 |
### **Core Mechanics**
#### **Tactical Network (1st Level)**
You establish a mental link with your **Constructed Ally**, enabling seamless coordination. Your ally acts on your turn, taking actions based on your commands. The ally defaults to a defensive stance (Dodge) if no command is issued.
- **Range:** 30 feet
- **Commands:** Commands cost **Command Points** to execute.
#### **Constructed Ally (1st Level)**
At 1st level, you gain a Constructed Ally, a semi-autonomous construct that serves as your companion in combat. Use the **Steel Defender** stat block as a base with the following modifications:
- **Hit Points:** Equal to 5 + five times your Overseer level.
- **Scaling:** Your Constructed Ally gains additional features and upgrades as you level up.
- **Actions:** Takes actions based on your commands, expending Command Points.
#### **Command Points (1st Level)**
You have a pool of **Command Points** that you use to issue tactical commands to your units. This pool replenishes after a long rest.
- **Regeneration:** Restore 1d4 + Intelligence modifier Command Points during a short rest.
- **Threshold:** You cannot spend more than half your level in Command Points on a single ally's turn.
#### **Command Maneuvers (2nd Level)**
You develop specialized tactics to enhance your units. Choose two **Command Maneuvers** from the list below.
- **Shockwave (2 CP):** Your ally slams the ground, forcing creatures in a 10-foot radius to make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier) or be knocked prone.
- **Intercept (1 CP):** Your ally moves to intercept an attack targeting a creature within 10 feet of it.
- **Coordinated Strike (3 CP):** All Constructed Allies attack the same target. If at least two attacks hit, deal an additional 1d10 damage.
- **Deploy Barrier (3 CP):** Construct an energy barrier that provides half cover in a 10-foot radius for one round.
#### **Overseer Archetype (3rd Level)**
Choose one specialization for your Overseer. Examples:
- **Field Commander:** Focuses on battlefield control and advanced maneuvers.
- **Tactical Mastery (3rd Level):** Gain +2 Command Points and increase your command range to 60 feet.
- **Phalanx Formation (10th Level):** Allies within 10 feet gain +1 AC.
- **Mechanist:** Enhances allies with superior upgrades and experimental tech.
- **Experimental Protocols (3rd Level):** Add a module to allies, like a flamethrower or grappling hook.
- **Modular Constructs (10th Level):** Allies can swap upgrades during a short rest.
- **Dominion Controller:** Combines magic with constructs, granting spellcasting abilities.
- **Construct Casting (6th Level):** Allies can channel your spell slots to cast cantrips or 1st-level spells.
- **Arcane Overdrive (14th Level):** Allies gain resistance to magical damage and advantage on saving throws against spells.
#### **Efficient Directives (5th Level)**
You can issue commands more fluidly. You may use a bonus action instead of an action to issue a command.
#### **Unit Upgrades (6th Level)**
Your allies gain significant upgrades. Choose one upgrade per ally:
- **Flight Systems:** Gain a flying speed of 30 feet.
- **Heavy Armor Plating:** Increase AC by 2.
- **Pulse Cannon:** Gain a ranged attack (30/120 feet) dealing 2d8 force damage.
#### **Capstone: Command Perfection (20th Level)**
- **Unlimited Command:** Issue commands without expending Command Points for 1 minute (once per long rest).
- **Supreme Coordination:** When an ally scores a critical hit, all other allies gain advantage on their next attack.

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# **The Overseer Class Overview**
> [***Vaults of Resonance Content***](../
> AI Generated short-notes.
The **Overseer** is a tactical commander who leads **Constructed Allies** (semi-autonomous constructs) in battle, using their expertise to coordinate and enhance their units. They specialize in battlefield control, unit upgrades, and strategic command maneuvers.
## **Core Mechanics**
- **Constructed Ally (Level 1):** You gain a semi-autonomous construct companion (based on the **Steel Defender** stat block). Your ally grows stronger as you level up.
- **Tactical Network (Level 1):** Establish a mental link to command your **Constructed Ally**. The ally acts on your turn, using Command Points to perform actions.
- **Command Points (Level 1):** You have a pool of points to issue tactical commands (like maneuvers) to your units. They regenerate on a long rest.
- **Command Maneuvers (Level 2):** Choose from a list of maneuvers to enhance your units (e.g., **Shockwave**, **Intercept**, **Coordinated Strike**).
## **Class Progression**
- **Level 3 - Overseer Archetype:** Choose a specialization (e.g., **Field Commander**, **Mechanist**, **Dominion Controller**) that shapes your playstyle.
- **Level 5 - Efficient Directives:** Issue commands as a bonus action.
- **Level 6 - Unit Upgrades:** Select an upgrade for your allies (e.g., **Flight Systems**, **Heavy Armor Plating**, **Pulse Cannon**).
- **Level 10 - Archetype Feature:** Gain additional features tied to your chosen archetype.
- **Level 11 - Overclock:** Temporarily boost your Constructed Allys power.
- **Level 13 - Multi-Unit Maneuvers:** Command multiple units at once and issue complex maneuvers.
- **Level 15 - Master Strategist:** Enhance your tactical abilities, improving battlefield control and synergy between units.
- **Level 17 - Supreme Upgrades:** Maximize the power of your upgrades.
- **Level 20 - Command Perfection:** Issue unlimited commands for 1 minute once per long rest and gain perfect coordination with your allies (e.g., advantage on attacks after a critical hit).
## **Key Features**
- **Constructed Ally:** A reliable combat companion that grows with you.
- **Command Points & Tactical Commands:** Spend Command Points to issue commands, with a growing number as you level up.
- **Archetype Specializations:** Customize your Overseer to focus on battlefield control, technological enhancements, or magical constructs.
- **Unit Upgrades:** Make your Constructed Allies stronger with upgrades like armor, flight, or ranged attacks.
- **Strategic Maneuvers:** Use your Command Points to issue various battlefield maneuvers, like knockbacks or coordinated strikes.
In essence, the **Overseer** is a **battlefield tactician** who thrives on managing multiple constructs and directing them through a combination of tactical maneuvers, strategic upgrades, and command abilities. They grow in power by improving their control over units and fine-tuning their commands for maximum efficiency.

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# Arcblade
- *Weapon (Sword), One Handed, Light, Wonderous*
- **Description**:
Arcblade is a magical sword that consists of a physical hilt and a blade of pure, glowing energy. The blade emanates a bright, electric yellow glow, crackling with arcs of lightning. It is forged for spellcasters who blend martial and arcane prowess. The wielder can shift the elemental properties of the blade as needed, though it requires focus and attunement to harness its full potential.
- **Proficiency**: Yes
Proficiency with swords is required to use this item effectively.
- **Attack Type**: Melee
- **Damage**:
- **Unattuned**: 2d6 + Dexterity modifier
- **Attuned**: 2d10 + Dexterity modifier + Spellcasting modifier (minimum +1)
- **Damage Type**: Lightning (default, changeable to Fire, Cold, Acid, Radiant, or Necrotic as a bonus action)
- **Weight**: 2 lbs
- **Cost**: Priceless (typically found, not bought)
- **Properties**:
- **Elemental Adaptation**: As a Action, the wielder can change the blade's elemental damage type to one of the following: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, Radiant, or Necrotic.
- **Ethereal Blade**: The blade is made entirely of energy. It cannot be broken or parried by mundane means. If dropped or the wielder is incapacitated, the blade vanishes until wielded again. If the wielder rolls a natural 1 on an attack, they take half the blade's rolled damage (before modifiers) as feedback of its current elemental type.
- **Attunement**: Yes (requires a spellcaster)
- **Arcane Empowerment**: When attuned, the wielder adds their spellcasting ability modifier to attack and damage rolls, in addition to their Dexterity modifier.
- **Bound Blade**: When attuned, the Arcblade becomes magically bound to its wielder. If the blade is lost, discarded, or stolen, the wielder can use a bonus action to summon it back to their hand, regardless of distance, as long as both exist on the same plane of existence.
- **Elemental Adaptation**: As a bonus action, the wielder can change the blade's elemental damage type to one of the following: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, Radiant, or Necrotic.
- **Energy Surge**: Once per long rest, the wielder can channel a surge of magical power into the blade. On the next hit, the weapon deals maximum damage.
- **Profiency**: When attuned, the wielder becomes proficient with this weapon.
- **Notes**:
The weapon is particularly effective against foes vulnerable to energy-based attacks but requires focus and attunement to fully unlock its potential.
- **Source**: *Homebrew*

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# Phantom Brew
- *Wondrous Item (Alchemy Flask), Rare*
- **Description**:
Phantom Brew is a mystical potion brewed from otherworldly ingredients, appearing as a shimmering liquid that shifts between deep violet and silver hues. A single serving grants the drinker the restorative effects of a long rest without requiring time to rest. This includes replenishment of spell slots, abilities, and hit points. However, it does not remove effects or conditions that end specifically after a long rest, nor does it eliminate levels of exhaustion. Instead, it suppresses exhaustion penalties, allowing the drinker to function as though unaffected.
![Phantom Brew](./Phantom%20Brew.png)
The potion resides within a magical alchemy flask that regenerates its contents over time, providing exactly one serving every 12 hours. The flask is sleek and durable, made from blackened glass reinforced with silver inlays, and its contents are protected by a unique enchantment that prevents spills or contamination.
- **Weight**: 3 lbs (flask)
- **Cost**: Not for sale (value determined by DM based on setting)
## **Properties**
- **Long Rest Restoration**
- Consuming a serving of Phantom Brew provides the full benefits of a long rest:
- Restores all hit points, spell slots, and abilities.
- Effects or conditions that require a long rest to end (e.g., curses or magical effects) remain active.
- Suppresses exhaustion penalties, but exhaustion levels persist and must still be resolved naturally or through magical means.
- **Self-Replenishing Flask**: The magical flask regenerates one serving of Phantom Brew every 12 hours. The flask cannot contain more than one serving at a time, and any unused serving is replaced when the flask replenishes.
- **Ritual Consumption**: Drinking Phantom Brew requires a 10-minute ritual. During this time, the drinker cannot engage in strenuous activity, and any actions taken are made at disadvantage. This represents the care and focus needed to fully harness the brew's magical properties.
- **Exhaustion Penalty**: Missing a serving of Phantom Brew after relying on it results in a magically induced coma. This state lasts for a number of days equal to the suppressed exhaustion levels or until another serving is administered. While in this stasis, the drinker is protected from death caused by exhaustion. They are still vulnerable to external harm.
- **Limitations**: The brew cannot be replicated or brewed through conventional means; it is magically sustained by the specialized bag and its enchantment.
- **Unique Ability Name**: "Eternal Vigil"
- **Usage**: Passive (requires no action beyond consumption)
- **Effect**: Consuming the brew allows adventurers to maintain peak performance without the need for sleep, effectively granting the benefits of a long rest in mere moments. However, reliance on this brew introduces risk, as missing a dose results in a forced magical stasis.
### **DM Notes**
- The self-replenishing property of the flask ensures the brew is a limited but renewable resource, balancing its power with careful usage.
- Missing doses and the resulting magical coma provide narrative opportunities for tension and risk management.
- DMs should regulate the items availability or include quests to acquire it, ensuring it remains a rare and valuable asset.
### **Example Usage Scenario**
The party is navigating a hostile desert, where resting would expose them to danger. The rogue, nearing exhaustion, uses the Phantom Brew flask to stay in peak condition. However, with another 8 hours of travel ahead, the party must decide whether to push forward or find a way to secure rest, knowing the flask wont refill until later.

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# Enhanced Augmentation
Enhanced Augmentations represent the pinnacle of Kybrs ingenuity and resourcefulness. These creations are divided into **Greater Augmentations** and **Lesser Augmentations**, each with distinct benefits and trade-offs, reflecting the artificers mortal limitations.
- **Greater Augmentations**: Crafted during a long rest. The Artificer sacrifices the benefits of a long rest, including restored spell slots, hit points, and other resources, making him more vulnerable in subsequent encounters.
- **Lesser Augmentations**: Crafted during a short rest. The Artificer forgoes the benefits of a short rest, such as recovering hit dice or performing light restorative activities, leaving him less prepared for future challenges.
- DM: You may rule a Lesser Augment as having the requirements of a Greater Augment.
> Note: Artificers may either have **1 Greater Augment** OR **2 Lesser Augments** for balancing purposes until a proper crafting system can be implemented for these augments
## Crafting Rules
- Quality is determined by a Dexterity Check
- Critical Failure: Augmentation Fails to craft. If perfroming maintence the item is destroyed.
- Standard Roll: DC determined by the DM based off the bond between the Crafter and the creature the augment is intended for.
- Base DC of 15, however can be altered at DM Discression
- Critical Success: Augmentation is at its strongest state and persists indefinately, not requiring recreation or maintnence.
## **Basic Augmentations**
Basic Augmentations are simple yet essential creations, designed to act as flexible tools or stepping stones for more advanced augmentations. They are quick to assemble, requiring minimal resources and effort, and can serve as placeholders or fulfill specific minor functions.
### **Patchwork Placeholder**
> *[Basic Augmentation, Downtime Action]*
- **Description**:
This hurriedly constructed gear looks unstable and rough, held together by little more than ingenuity and desperation. Though fragile, its purpose is clear: its a temporary vessel for greater power. Bolts, scrap metal, and loose threads hold these items together, crackling slightly when infused.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: Creates a piece of shoddy equipment with no utility or durability other than acting as an infusion placeholder.
- **Limitations**: The equipment is nonfunctional outside of its role as a vessel for infusions and disintegrates under significant strain.
- **Interaction with Other Features**:
- Can fill gaps in material or equipment requirements for augmentations.
- Pairs with infusions or enhancements that lack a suitable base item.
- **Flavor**:
This equipment resembles cobbled-together contraptions held by bolts, wire, and hope, buzzing faintly with unstable energy.
## Greater Augmentations
### **Bladesinger's Grasp**
> *[Greater Augmentation, Requires Long Rest]*
- **Description**:
Forged from flexible alloys and inscribed with fine runes, these gloves synchronize with their wielders strength, making even the heaviest weapon feel weightless in their grasp. The gloves shimmer faintly when holding a weapon, as if channels of energy lighten the load.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: Creates gloves that allow heavy, two-handed weapons to be treated as light, one-handed weapons, enabling dual-wielding.
- **Limitations**: The gloves enchantment lasts for 24 hours or until the artificer takes another long rest.
### **Beacon Shard**
> *[Greater Augmentation, Requires Long Rest]*
- **Description**:
This crystalline shard radiates a soothing, golden light. When activated, it releases a burst of invigorating energy, amplifying the restorative powers of healing magic before disintegrating into harmless motes of light.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: When the user casts a healing spell or uses an ability that restores hit points, they may choose to activate this shard. If they do, the healing restores the maximum number of hit points possible.
- **Limitations**: Once used, the shard disintegrates and cannot be recreated until the artificer completes a long rest.
### **Momentum Engine**
> *[Greater Augmentation, Requires Long Rest]*
- **Description**:
A compact device with a ticking core, faintly glowing as if counting down to an important moment. When activated, it releases stored energy to grant its user a fleeting burst of accelerated action.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: As a bonus action, the user casts Haste upon themself, rendering the engine inert.
## Lesser Augmentations
### **Reactive Weave**
> *[Lesser Augmentation, Requires Short Rest]*
- **Description**:
This thin, shimmering cloak absorbs incoming force, creating a momentary protective barrier. It hums faintly with latent energy, ready to shield its wearer at a moments notice.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: Crafts a cloak that grants the wearer the ability to cast *Shield* once without using a spell slot. The cloak dissolves after use.
- **Interaction with Other Features**: Provides a temporary defensive boost in tight situations, especially useful for characters lacking access to the *Shield* spell.
### **Lifebound Filament**
> *[Lesser Augmentation, Requires Short Rest]*
- **Description**:
A thread infused with life magic that hums with the essence of vitality. It can stabilize a dying creature and restore a spark of life, though its magic fades after a single use.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: Creates a thread that stabilizes a dying creature and restores 1 HP as an action. The thread crumbles after use.
### **Spell Capacitor**
> *[Lesser Augmentation, Requires Short Rest]*
- **Description**:
A crystalline device that stores a single arcane spark, ready to be discharged at a moments notice. Its design is simple but effective, radiating a faint magical glow when charged.
- **Mechanics**:
- **Effect**: The artificer stores a cantrip they know into this device. Any creature can activate it as an action, casting the cantrip as though the artificer cast it.
- **Limitations**: The Spell Capacitor can only hold one cantrip and is destroyed when used.
- **Extra**: If the artificer has the Spell Storing Item feature, they may expend a use to forgo the short rest requirement when creating this item.

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# Endurian
[Brief description of the race's physical traits, emphasizing unique or defining characteristics.]
**Ability Score Increase**: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
- Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Your Inteligence score increases by 1.
**Age:** Endurians reach maturity around the age of 20 and can live up to 150 years.
**Alignment:** Endurians value survival and adaptability, often leaning toward neutral alignments. Their diverse experiences make them highly individualistic.
**Size:** Endurians are slightly leaner and lighter than humans, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
**Speed:** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
**Languages**: You can speak, read, and write Common and Ender, a language with a melodic yet stilted rhythm, reflecting its unique evolution.
## Racial Traits
- **Darkvision:**
Adapted to the perpetual twilight of the End, you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- **Innate Teleportation:**
As a action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a short rest.
- **Ender Resilience:**
You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
- **Chorus Fruit Dependency (Optional Rule):**
You can eat chorus fruit as a ration. However, consuming it in stressful situations (like combat) requires a Constitution saving throw (DC 10) to avoid disorientation, causing disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute.
## Varients
All Varients Inherit the core traits
- [Arcane Endurian](Varient/
- [Chitinous Endurian](Varient/
- [Savage Endurian](Varient/
- [Skybound Endurian](Varient/
- [Storm Endurian]( *DeadLink: Not yet Written*

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# Arcane Endurian
> Inherits all Traits from [Core Endurian](../
**Ability Score Increase:**
- Your Charisma score increases by 1.
## Racial Traits
- **Ethereal Strike:**
When you use your teleportation ability, you can immediately make a melee weapon attack, adding your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt.
- **Gemstone Vision:**
You can cast the detect magic spell once per long rest without using a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

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# Chitinous Endurian
> Inherits all Traits from [Core Endurian](../
**Ability Score Increase**:
- Your Constitution score increases by 1.
## Racial Traits
- **Ender Carapace:**
Your chitinous shell provides you with an AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You cant wear armor, but you can use a shield.
- **Void Hardened:**
You have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
- **Slow but Stalwart:**
Your base walking speed is reduced to 25 feet, but you cannot be moved against your will unless you are incapacitated.

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# Energized Endurian
> Inherits all Traits from [Core Endurian](../
**Ability Score Increase:**
- Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Storm Affinity: You can cast the thunderwave spell once per long rest without using a spell slot. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Electrified Reflexes: When you use your teleportation ability, you can choose to emit a burst of static energy. Each creature within 5 feet of your destination must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or take lightning damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Weathered Endurance: You have resistance to lightning damage and advantage on saving throws against environmental effects caused by storms or extreme weather conditions.

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# Savage Endurian
> Inherits all Traits from [Core Endurian](../
**Ability Score Increase**:
- Your Strength score increases by 1.
## Racial Traits
- **Apex Predator:**
You gain proficiency in Perception and Survival. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
- **Ender Pounce:**
When you jump at least 10 feet straight toward a creature and hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be knocked prone.
- **Savage Instinct:**
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + your level (minimum of 1).

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# Skybound Endurian
> Inherits all Traits from [Core Endurian](../
**Ability Score Increase:**
- Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
## Racial Traits
- **Winged Glide:**
You have vestigial wings that grant you the ability to glide. When you fall, you can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you descend and take no damage from falling, provided you are not incapacitated.
- **High Altitude Acumen:**
You have advantage on saving throws against extreme cold and gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
- **Levitite Bond:**
You can sense the presence of levitite within 60 feet of you, even if it is behind total cover. This trait allows you to locate and utilize this unique resource effectively.

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# Void-Touched Endurian
> Inherits all Traits from [Core Endurian](../
**Ability Score Increase**:
- Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
## Racial Traits
- **Eerie Insight:**
You can cast the *guidance* cantrip at will. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
- **Void Step:**
When you use your teleportation ability, you can teleport to a space you cannot see, as long as you have been there within the past hour. If the space is occupied, you take force damage equal to your level and appear in the nearest unoccupied space.
- **Psychic Resistance:**
You have resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against effects that cause the charmed or frightened condition.

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# Vaults of Resonance
Welcome to the **Vaults of Resonance**, an ever-shifting repository of homebrew content for your tabletop adventures. This content is experimental in nature and is provided to inspire creativity, exploration, and discovery in your games. Many of the items within the Vault are crafted by **Shieldbearer Kybr**, a renowned artificer whose creations nearly rivaled those of the gods. Items crafted by Kybr are accompanied by his personal notes, detailing their creation and intended purpose. However, please be aware of the following:
## Disclaimer: Playtest Content
The material found within the Vaults of Resonance is considered **playtest content**. While every effort has been made to ensure its functionality and thematic coherence, the following points apply:
- **Balance**: These mechanics, spells, classes, items, and rules may not be fully balanced. They are subject to testing and refinement based on feedback from players and Dungeon Masters.
- **Compatibility**: Some content may not integrate seamlessly with official rules or other homebrew materials. Adjustments may be necessary to maintain harmony in your game.
- **Flexibility**: Dungeon Masters are encouraged to modify or veto any content from the Vaults of Resonance to suit the needs of their campaigns. Kybrs personal notes on his items can serve as a guide or inspiration for such adjustments.
## Feedback and Adjustments
Feedback from players and Dungeon Masters is invaluable for refining this content. If you test material from the Vaults of Resonance, consider sharing your experiences:
- What worked well?
- What felt unbalanced or awkward?
- What could be improved?
Your insights help shape future iterations and ensure that the Vaults continue to resonate with the spirit of adventure, particularly when it comes to the intricate designs and lore of Kybrs creations.
**Enter at your own risk, and let the echoes of the Vaults guide you to new realms of possibility.**