This ancient and imposing shield, forged in the heart of a star, bears the name "Colossus' Aegis," a title that reflects its immense power and its role as an unyielding protector. Initially dormant, the shield’s true strength awakens only when a worthy wielder claims it.
- **Proficiency**: Yes
The wielder must be proficient with shields to fully use the Colossus' Aegis.
- **Energy Absorption**: As a Reaction when the wielder is hit by an attack that deals force, or lightning damage the shield absorbs part of the energy, granting the wielder the option to gain either **temporary hit points** or **shield energy** equal to half the damage taken (rounded down).
- **Force Repulsion**: As a reaction, when the wielder is hit by an attack that deals force, lightning, or radiant damage, the wielder can release the stored energy, dealing force damage equal to half the amount of damage absorbed. The target must make a Strength saving throw (DC 15) or take the full damage, or half damage on a successful save.
- **Energy Absorption Improved**: The shield now absorbs up to 40 points of force, or lightning damage per long rest. The temporary hit points granted by energy absorption are now equal to the full amount of damage absorbed.
- **Force Repulsion Enhanced**: When the wielder uses the Force Repulsion ability, the damage increases to the total amount of energy absorbed rather than just half. The target must now make a Strength saving throw (DC 17) to avoid the damage, or take full damage on a failed save.
- **Cover Creation**: As a bonus action, the wielder can expend any amount of energy up to 40 points to create a barrier of force energy, extending up to 15 feet out, and 10 feet up. The Barrier has an AC of Zero, and an HP equal to the points used to create it. This energy creates a barrier that grants total cover to any creature behind it for 1 minute. The barrier dissipates early if it takes damage equal to the energy spent to create it. Any creature that comes in contact with the barrier must make a Strength saving throw (DC 17) or be pushed back 5 feet. Creatures cannot move through the barrier.
Additionally, the wielder can adjust the size of the barrier, reducing its dimensions down to a minimum of 5 feet in either direction. To determine the adjusted size, the wielder makes a Perception check (DC 15). On a success, the barrier can be resized to the desired dimensions within the allowed range, without compromising its integrity.
- **Shared Protection**: As a reaction, when an ally within 30 feet of the wielder takes damage, the wielder can choose to absorb half of that damage. The shield grants the wielder temporary hit points equal of the damage absorbed, reducing the damage dealt to the ally by the same amount. This ability can be used three times per long rest.
- **Energy Absorption Mastery**: The shield can absorb up to 100 points of force, lightning, or radiant damage per long rest full value. It can also absorb other types of energy, such as necrotic or acid, if the wielder chooses, though this damage is absorbed at half its value.
- **Cover Creation Enhanced**: As a bonus action, the wielder can create a 10-foot line of force energy (spending up to 30 points of absorbed energy). This line now creates a wall of force 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide that grants full cover. The wall lasts for 1 minute, or until it takes damage equal to the energy expended to create it. Once per day, the wielder can create an impenetrable dome of force (20-foot radius) for 10 minutes by expending 50 points of absorbed energy. Creatures within the dome must make a Strength saving throw (DC 19) or be knocked prone if they attempt to move through it.
- **Shared Protection Mastery**: The wielder can now use the **Shared Protection** ability an additional time per long rest. Furthermore, when absorbing damage for an ally, the wielder can now absorb up to the full amount of damage that the ally would take, reducing the damage dealt to the ally by the same amount. This enhanced ability can be used once per short rest.
- **Aegis Cannon**: When the wielder has at least absorbed 50 points of damage, it can be released in a 20-foot cone. Targets within the cone must make a Strength saving throw (SpellDC + 3) or take full damage, with those who succeed taking half damage, those who fail take full damage and are forcefully disarmed.