merith-tk 6c5b2d22ac dump: [json] pakchunk0
dump: [json] [pak]  pakchunk0
dump: [json] [utoc] pakchunk0
track large files with lfs
2024-11-29 17:10:45 -08:00

13 lines
725 B

"Type": "MaterialFunction",
"Name": "ParallaxOcclusionMapping",
"Class": "UScriptClass'MaterialFunction'",
"Flags": "RF_Public | RF_Standalone | RF_Transactional | RF_WasLoaded | RF_LoadCompleted",
"Properties": {
"Description": "Parallax Occlusion Mapping uses Ray Tracing to find the correct offsets at each point. Keep in mind that the material cost will not be easily trackable using the instruction count or shader complexity view due to the nature of the loops involved. Use the debug emissive colors to get an idea of expense based on your specified Min and Max Step sizes.",
"bExposeToLibrary": true,
"StateId": "7E10F3A5-4FD73956-EC1C998B-E232916D"