{ // Default Editor Settings "editor.formatOnSave": true, "files.insertFinalNewline": true, "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true, "editor.tabSize": 2, // Exclude Unreal Engine files from the file watcher "files.watcherExclude": { // Unreal Engine "**/*.umap": true, "**/*.uasset": true, "**/*.ubulk": true, "**/*.uexp": true, "**/*.uptnl": true, "**/*.utexture": true, "**/*.ucache": true }, // Prevents the editor from trying to show the Unreal Engine files in the file explorer "files.exclude": { // Unreal Engine "**/*.umap": true, "**/*.uasset": true, "**/*.ubulk": true, "**/*.uexp": true, "**/*.uptnl": true, "**/*.utexture": true, "**/*.ucache": true }, // Associate Unreal Engine plugin files with JSON "files.associations": { "*.uplugin": "json", "*.upluginmanifest": "json" } }