# **RULES** > Adapted from [The Following Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xf0WrRdT33sddlZFq7SKjtI7HjRV4sBAAmEg7nS7ay4/edit?tab=t.0) *General set of rules that outline the process and what you can and can’t do. Please read through all of them before playing on the server.* 1. Weapons not outlined for use in the ship, aircraft, and GCV weapon tables are illegal to use, unless per specific admin permission. AWG weapons not outlined in the rules are *especially* banned. 2. Do not use grinders against enemy grids in combat. While we have countermeasures for this, using your jetpack in any offensive or defensive manner is illegal, such as planting warheads aboard enemy vessels or chasing an aircraft with a rifle. 3. No offline raiding. 4. Avoid meta gunbrick builds, try to make your builds look somewhat like their real-life counterparts. This applies to tanks, aircraft, and ships*. This does not mean you can’t create your own designs, just try to be realistic.* 5. No exploits such as pistons or clang drives, your build will be deleted without warning or compensation. 6. Try to avoid making your builds performance-intensive. Grids deemed too laggy will be reprimanded. 7. Active mining using vanilla or mod grid tools is banned. Resource gathering is done through static drills. Voxel damage is discouraged, but not disallowed. Factions are only allowed a maximum of 1 underground base, although we request that you do as little voxel damage as possible for performance reasons. 8. All propulsion must be on the EXTERIOR of a grid and CANNOT be contained within the grid. 9. Grid ramming is illegal. Ships that have lost buoyancy or are effectively destroyed must not ram or try and otherwise interfere with the enemy. 10. You are not permitted to be in space or send anything into space. Any grids found in space will be deleted~~, and the owner likely banned. *You are not the Kerbal Space Program.*